If you’re ready to quit smoking, then vaping is a popular alternative.   

Before you start vaping, it’s important to get clued up on any possible risks or side effects, including whether or not you’re likely to get addicted to it, so you’ve come to the right place.




Vaping can be addictive if you choose E-Liquids containing nicotine, but studies have found it to be less addictive than smoking cigarettes. A study on ‘Dependence levels in users of electronic cigarettes, nicotine gums and tobacco cigarettes ‘ found e-cigarettes to be as or less addictive than nicotine gum, and far less addictive than traditional cigarettes.

It’s the nicotine that makes smoking addictive, and while most vaping E-Liquids contain nicotine, vaping can be less addictive than smoking cigarettes. This is due to E-Liquids being available in a range of nicotine strengths you can choose from, and some containing no nicotine at all. A range of strengths gives more control over the amount of nicotine you get compared to cigarettes, allowing you to reduce your nicotine intake gradually until you’re no longer addicted to it.

Most of our Vuse E-Liquids contain nicotine except for our Zero Nic range for vapers who are trying to cut out nicotine completely.  The nicotine strength is always listed on the packaging of our products.




The more you smoke, the more your brain and body get used to having nicotine and the harder it is to go without it. The NHS inform site provides an Addiction Test Tool that you can use to find out how addicted you are to cigarettes.

Some signs that you might be addicted to cigarettes include continuing to smoke even though you want to stop.

Being unable to quit when you try to.

Withdrawal symptoms if you try to stop, including feeling anxious or irritable, or having headaches.

Strong urges to smoke.                           

With vaping, unlike smoking, you can start to take control of your nicotine consumption, and gradually reduce it to reduce your nicotine intake.

Watch Out

If you decide to switch to vaping from smoking, remain aware of the amount of nicotine you consume whilst you find the ideal nicotine strength for you.

The side effects associated with consuming too much nicotine could include development of an irregular heartbeat, an allergic reaction such as rash, itching or swelling of the tongue, mouth or throat; feeling faint, nausea, headache. Immediately stop use of Vuse products and seek medical advice if you experience any of these symptoms.




Since it’s the nicotine that makes vaping addictive, nicotine-free vaping is not chemically addictive.  Nevertheless, over time you could form a habit of vaping. 

Vuse offers a range of Zero Nic products that don’t contain nicotine at all.

Vaping without nicotine is a good option if you still feel like you need to inhale something even once you’ve completely removed nicotine. This action, and its similarity to smoking, is one of the reasons so many people choose vaping as a means to quit smoking over other nicotine replacement therapies like patches and gum.

Vuse offers a range of nicotine strengths to help you do this. Find out more about how much nicotine you get from vaping.

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Transparency about vaping

Facts to tackle

  • Vaping vs smoking
  • Vaping myths
  • Vaping safety

Responsibility beyond product

Underage prevention
and vaping laws.

  • Underage prevention
  • Vaping laws & TPD

Unpacking vaping for you

Information to guide
your vaping journey.

  • Vaping beginners guide
  • Nicotine strengths
  • Device types


Vuse testing and
quality standards.

  • Vuse quality standards
  • Vapour testing
  • The science behind vuse

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Dit product bevat de zeer verslavende stof nicotine. Het gebruik ervan wordt afgeraden voor niet-rokers. La nicotine contenue dans ce produit crée une forte dépendance. Son utilisation par les non-fumeurs n’est pas recommandée. Dieses Produkt enthält Nikotin: einen Stoff, der sehr stark abhängig macht. Es wird nicht für den Gebrauch durch Nichtraucher empfohlen.